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13 Fun and Effective Goal Setting Activities for Kids to Sharpen their Learning Abilities

Your child’s ability to set and achieve goals will determine their learning experience in school. Teaching your child effective goal setting activities will help them perform better amongst their peers because they are capable of prioritizing important tasks.

Mother with kids

What is an entrepreneurial mindset? And why you should develop it in your child?

Unlocking the Entrepreneurial Mindset: Empowering Your Child's Potential for Success! Discover the transformative power of an entrepreneurial mindset and why it's a crucial skillset to foster in your child.


11 Unexpected Ways Your Child Learn from Being Outdoors

Outdoor learning can be simply defined as experiential learning in, for, or about the outdoors. The philosophies and theories about outdoor education tends to emphasize the effect of natural environments on human beings, the educative role of stress and challenge, and experiential learning.


What Are Executive Function Skills And Why Are They Important For Children To Learn?

Executive Function is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. In your child’s early years, it is vital that they learn how to craft these skills as it will determine how they operate in the future. Children facing problems with their executive function may have trouble with focusing, handling their emotions and following directions.

Family high five

Nature and Nurture: Why both are important in raising an exceptional child

Unlocking the Potential: The Dynamic Interplay of Nature and Nurture in Nurturing an Exceptional Child


Nutrients That Boost The Learning Abilities Kids Need Now And For The Future

Do not underestimate your child’s ability to absorb new information. In their early years, children are at the peak of their curiosity and imagination which is why it is important to feed them the right nutrients to fuel these powerful minds.


The Importance of Quality Time in Parenting and How to Create it

Spending quality time with children can be essential to their emotional growth as it is also one of the five love languages. Creating a healthy and balanced emotional attachment with your child will determine how they are able to form relationships as an adult.

These articles cover a range of topics related to parenting, pregnancy, and toddlerhood. From effective goal-setting activities for kids to nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset, you’ll find valuable insights. Discover the benefits of outdoor learning, understand executive function skills, and explore the delicate balance between nature and nurture in raising exceptional children. Additionally, learn about nutrients that enhance cognitive growth and the importance of quality time in parenting. Feel free to explore these articles for a deeper understanding of parenting and child development!