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The strength you deserve for the life you desire

Every life-changing event, from a new job, marriage and childbirth to retirement involves a process of adjustment, emotionally and physically.

Do I Have Lower Immunity Against Illnesses When I Get Older?

Do I Have Lower Immunity Against Illnesses When I Get Older?

The science shows that we are living longer; therefore, we have to stay healthy for an extended number of years too.

What Are the Risk Factors for Falling?

What Are the Risk Factors for Falling?

Gravity can be dangerous to seniors, and the science bears this out. As one ages, one’s body takes a longer time to recover, and it may cause more harm to a senior citizen’s body than it would in a comparatively younger person. Any injuries or fractures suffered by a senior citizen may lead to lower mobility, thus affecting their quality of life... at best.

Why Do I Feel Tired Easily as I Get Older? Blame Age-Related Muscle Loss

Why Do I Feel Tired Easily as I Get Older? Blame Age-Related Muscle Loss

As you get older, you won't feel as strong as you used to. You also won't have as much stamina as before.


Simple Exercises That Strengthen Your Muscles

It’s a constant refrain from health experts: consistent exercise is better for one’s body than medication, at any age.

Adult nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Enjoy the Wide Variety of Foods:

    • Our bodies require more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food can provide them all. Therefore, it’s essential to consume a diverse range of foods.
    • Include fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, and fats and oils in your diet.
    • Studies suggest that dietary variety is linked to longevity, and enjoying a variety of foods adds to the pleasure of meals and snacks.
  2. Eat Regularly:

    • Take time to stop, relax, and enjoy mealtimes and snacks. Eating is one of life’s great pleasures.
    • Scheduled eating times help prevent missed meals, ensuring that you receive essential nutrients.
    • Breakfast is particularly important as it provides energy after the overnight fast and may help with weight control.
    • All mealtimes offer opportunities for social and family interaction.
  3. Balance and Moderation:

    • Balance your food intake by getting enough of each type of nutrient without overindulging.
    • No food is inherently “good” or “bad.” It’s about creating a balanced diet.
    • Moderate amounts of all foods help control calorie intake and prevent excessive consumption of any specific food component.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight and Feel Good:

    • Aim for a healthy weight by balancing energy intake (calories) with physical activity.
    • A healthy weight reduces the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, certain cancers, and osteoporosis.
  5. Don’t Forget Your Fruits and Vegetables:

    • Consume at least 400 grams (about five portions) of fruits and vegetables per day.
    • Exclude potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, and other starchy roots from this count.
  6. Base Your Diet on Foods Rich in Carbohydrates:

    • Include whole grains (such as unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, and brown rice) in your meals.
  7. Drink Plenty of Fluids:

    • Staying hydrated is essential for overall health. Water is the best choice.
  8. Fats in Moderation:

    • While fats are necessary for health, consume them in moderation.
    • Opt for healthier fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
  9. Balance Salt Intake:

    • Limit excessive salt consumption to maintain heart health.
  10. Start Now and Make Changes Gradually:

    • Small, sustainable changes over time lead to better health outcomes.

Remember that a healthful lifestyle, including smart food choices and regular exercise, can enhance your quality of life and reduce the risk of various health conditions.