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Learn more about toddler's milk powder, nutrients requirement and their growth and development journey. Browse Wyeth Nutrition ParenTeam Malaysia website for more info.

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Toddlerhood is a significant phase in a child’s development, typically spanning from 1 to 2 years old. During this exciting period, toddlers exhibit a range of new skills, personality traits, and assert their independence while staying close to their parents or caregivers. Let’s explore the key aspects of toddlerhood:

  1. Physical Milestones:

    • Walking: Most toddlers take their first steps during this time, followed by mastering stairs and running.
    • Fine Motor Skills: They learn to undress themselves, use utensils, drink from cups, throw balls, and draw straight lines and circles.
    • Cognitive and Communication Skills:
      • Pointing to get attention and express desires.
      • Saying single words (including “no”) and eventually forming short sentences.
      • Understanding common objects’ purposes (phones, brushes, spoons).
      • Recognizing body parts.
      • Scribbling independently.
      • Following 1- to 2-step verbal commands.
      • Naming familiar objects and people.
      • Sorting shapes and colors.
      • Engaging in simple make-believe play.
  2. Social and Emotional Development:

    • Temper Tantrums: Toddlers express themselves through tantrums when their bids for independence are denied.
    • Fear of Strangers: They may display fear of unfamiliar people.
    • Affection: Show affection to familiar individuals.
    • Pretend Play: Engage in imaginative play, such as feeding a doll.
    • Defiance: Express defiance when told not to do something.
    • Social Interaction: Play alongside other children and begin including them in games.
  3. Parental Strategies:

    • Promote Empathy: Encourage empathy by modeling kindness and explaining feelings.
    • Conflict Management: Teach conflict resolution skills, such as sharing and taking turns.
    • Household Participation: Involve toddlers in simple household tasks.
    • Safety and Health: Ensure a safe environment and provide a balanced diet.

Remember that each child develops at their own pace, and milestones may vary. If you have concerns about your toddler’s development, consider scheduling a developmental screening with your pediatrician. Enjoy this dynamic phase of discovery and growth! 🌟👶🏽🌿