It's fast becoming the norm, even at home. Everyone together, but busy with their own electronics, oblivious to everything around them. This article talks about the need to balance our life to create more priceless face-to-face moments.
Optimizing Your Children’s Mind
The quest to create smarter kids starts even before they are born! Zaid Mohamad, Certified Parental Coach and bestselling author, provides tips on what parents can do.
The Natural Born Leaders
Are leaders born or made? Zaid Mohamad, Certified Parental Coach and bestselling author, tells us what makes a child a leader and how parents and teachers can help them take on responsibilities early.
Having Fun without Fund
Zaid Mohamad, Certified Parental Coach and bestselling author, writes about his experience of places that parents can bring their kids to during the school holidays for maximum fun with minimum fund.